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If you are an ambitious black or latinX young professional looking for powerful partners to help you succeed in tech & business, we want to help you join the following organizations:

Learn how to start a company, with help from the world's top startup accelerator - Y Combinator.

Startup School is a free online program and global community of founders.

  Applying to                                

Once you've done your research, if you are interested in having us review your application, please share your application draft through google docs.

Want to attend a top ranked business school?

Join MLT! Management

Leaders For Tomorrow


Founded by John Rice (Harvard MBA) over a decade ago, this organization selects the top minority talent and prepares them to attend the top ranked schools in America. â€‹We are alumni of the MBAPrep program and it is the most powerful program we have been part of. Today we count with hundreds of very close fellow alumni who are at leadership roles at the top companies across leading industries. 


Join Toigo! Investment Leaders For Tomorrow

Toigo aims to foster the career advancement and increased leadership of underrepresented talent in Finance and allied industries and to create mechanisms for greater diversity and inclusion from the classroom to the boardroom.

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